So little time, is how the saying goes isn't it? Certainly feels like that of late in the Lyvit house. My crafting wish list continues to grow rapidly, with beautiful inspirational pieces popping up all the time. Yet with a family, household day to day things and the outside world all demanding time and energy, creative stress release time is limited enough. Add on top a chronic illness or two and the new fashionable way of living slowly becomes the norm. Yet I find myself less than happy with it.
I have found myself lately becoming overwhelmed almost by all the wonderful inspiration to be found on social media. With feeds full of beautiful dresses, walls covered in the latest intricate socks, boards popping up covered in detailed afghans and new channels filled with talented creators, I find myself wanting it all right now, yet knowing I won't get round to even half of it in my life time, let alone this year! How do you all do it? How do you creative, wonderful, talented people organise your lives and achieve so much? I realised recently that because I have so much I personally want to do I end up procrastinating and not achieving anything. So easily distracted by the never ending rabbit hole of creative inspiration.
I guess in a way I have a bad case of WIPitis, only most of them are started in my head. I'm the same in the rest of my life too. I have a huge bookshelf full of books to be read, a list of exercises I should be doing, and even a pile of tasks that really need doing, yet I find myself looking elsewhere for the next thing to do or to occupy me.
So here I am, holding myself accountable to you, the wonderful world of readers and inspiration, I hereby say I must work on completing one creative thing a month. In an ideal world it would be one a week but as I said above life likes some attention too.
So here is my current WIP list; The floral Affair, cast on but not more than that.
The Wickerwork top, back piece nearly finished.
My vanilla mermaid socks, 1st one half done.
The Derive socks from the Knitting Expat Wanderlust collection.
The Arwen socks are a quarter done.
The Atlanticus Afghan is literally about 10 rounds from completion.
The Dominique Skirt has been cut out ready.
Actually writing them out like that I'm now determined to finish the skirt and the Afghan before the end of June. Will you support me?
Tell me what helps you to achieve your creative dreams, be more organised and stop the flow of inspiration from over powering you.
Until next time
Mrs L