
Monday, 22 January 2018

Monogamous or multiple?

Morning all! How's your week been?

This week I wanted to talk about work in progress or wip's as they are known in the yarn community. Particularly I want to talk about the number you have on the go.

You see up until I discovered podcasts and the HPKCHC (Harry Potter Knit and Crochet House Cup) over on Ravelry I was a total monogamous crafter, right down to only having either a crochet or knit project on the go....or so I thought.

When I first sat down to write this that was how I thought, but if I'm 100% honest with myself it's not true. You see stashed out of sight at the back of my cupboard is a mermaid tail I started for Thing 2 two years ago!! Also upstairs in my sewing area I have a patchwork quilt started. Since both of these have been hidden away for so long they are most definitely hibernating and forgotten about. Oops!! 

As for before the wonderful rabbit hole of Ravelry and podcasts. Pre discovery I would pick what I wanted to make and the whole process, planning right through to completion, would be solely about that one item. Now, post hole and 'casts, I have found myself 100% enabled, casting on multiple pairs of socks, whilst also following along with a crochet alongs (CAL), and starting a new technique (brioche) to make Mr Lyvit a cowl to keep him warm whilst he trains for the London Classics.

That is just the Wip's! I have several more I want to knit, crochet and sew!! I know I know, there's probably some of you out there saying "What! That's nothing at all!" But you see I love to be organised and work through things methodically, one at a time. The trouble is I make a list of things I want or need to do so I don't forget and then the brain goes into overdrive, panicking I don't have enough time, or enough stash (oh I do, let's just say I hoard and am addicted). I have a physical list in my scrappy notebook, one in my creative notebook and one in my HPKCHC notebook! Then there are the planning spreadsheets and my Ravelry queue!! Soon I will need a list for my lists. The worst of it is I find myself panicking so much I subconsciously start distracting myself by browsing Ravelry, organising my stash or even window shopping and dreaming on Etsy and Instagram!

Does anyone else get like this? Do you find yourself distracting yourself from what needs to be done now by adding to your lists and planning, buying and organising the next project(s)?

Let me know your thoughts and coping methods. 

Mrs L

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